03 | 05 July , 2024 - DCCI|UNIPI

P33. M. FILOMENA, M. MATTONAI, F. NARDELLA, E. RIBECHINI – “Analytical pyrolysis to characterize lignins obtained by microwave-assisted eutectic solvent extraction and fractional precipitation”
P34. A. GHELARDI, E. CARIGNANI, M. GEPPI – “Comparison of dynamics and structure of polymorphs by solid-state NMR: the case of Leflunomide”
P35. C. GHELARDUCCI, F. BINACCHI, O. MONASSON, E. PERONI, A. PRATESI, C. GABBIANI – “Synthesis and characterization of new Pt(II) complexes linked with peptide sequences with the aim of using the bioconjugates in targeted anticancer therapies”
P36. T. GIANI, G. TOMASI, T. SCATTOLIN, F. VISENTIN, T. BIVER – “Pd(II)-indenyl complexes bearing N-heterocyclic carbene ligands do bind nucleic acids: mechanistic tests and DNA/RNA comparison”
P37. E. GIORGI, D. CIRRI, T. GAMBERI, C. GABBIANI, A. PRATESI – “Comparative study of cytotoxic auranofin analogues: impact of phosphine, arsine, and stibine ligands on the biological activity”
P38. C. GUGLIELMI, S. BRACCINI, B. TARPARELLI, E. SODDU, G. TOTARO, A. BATTISTI, S. K. SAMAL, D. PUPPI – “3D Printed Surgical Anti-Adhesive Chitosan Membranes Incorporating Eugenol-loaded Polymeric Nanoparticles”
P39. C. GUIDI, M.M. SARAVIA, L. BERNAZZANI, A. CECCARINI, F. PAGANUCCI – “Iodine as Propellant in Electric Thrusters: Development of a Feeding System and Hollow Cathode”
P40. A. LENZI, D. BIAGINI, L.B. CARVALHO, S. GHIMENTI, S. ARMENIA, N.R. PUGLIESE, S. MASI, F. DI FRANCESCO, T. LOMONACO, C. LODEIRO, J.L. CAPELO-MARTINEZ, H.M. SANTOS – “Filter-aided sample preparation protocol to investigate urinary proteome in heart failure patients”
P41. G. LUDOVISI, A. GABBANI, A. PICCHI, A. PUCCI, F. PINEIDER – “Quantum-Cutting Ytterbium-Doped Perovskite: synthesis, characterization, and prospects in solar energy conversion technologies”
P42. P. MAZZEO, E. CIGNONI, A. ARCIDIACONO, L. CUPELLINI, B. MENNUCCI – “Exploring Intramolecular Proton Transfer Dynamics with Machine Learning Multiscale Simulations”
P43. L. MELEGA, T. NOTTOLI, A. SAVARESE, J. GAUSS, F. LIPPARINI – “Implementation of Coupled Cluster analytical gradients based on the Cholesky decomposition of ERIs”
P44. E. MICHELI, F. PAOLINO, E. PULIDORI, C. PELOSI, C. DUCE, E. RIBECHINI, B. CIPOLLINA, C. APREA, L. BIROLO, E. BRAMANTI, I. BONADUCE – “Natural materials Development from Collagen-based Wastes: ArtDECOW”
P45. N. MORRONE, N. DI FIDIO, C. ANTONETTI, D. LICURSI, S. FULIGNATI, A.M. RASPOLLI GALLETTI – “Screening of oleaginous yeasts for the valorization of sewage scum polysaccharides through the production of Single Cell Oil”
P46. F. NERLI, V. GUIDOTTO, V. CROCELLÀ, F. NARDELLI, L. CALUCCI, M. LESSI, M. TADDEI – “Tuning of the CO2 adsorption mechanism in flexible F4_MIL-140A(Ce) by ligand engineering”
P47. L. PACILIO, V. CASTELVETRO, A. CORTI, R. GIANNECCHINI, S. VIAROLI, V. RE – “Microplastics in agricultural soils and underground water”
P48. A. PAOLI, M. ZERBINI, S. GIANNARELLI, M. BECCIA, T. BIVER – “Emerging pollutants in seawater: the interaction between the brown alga Ascophyllum Nodosum and four antibiotics”
P49. F. PAOLINO, J.J. ŁUCEJKO – “Assessment of in-situ Conservation Measures on Archaeological Wooden Artifacts: Insights from the StAr JPI- CH Project”
P50. S. PEZZINI, G. BIALE, L. ARRIGHETTI, J. LA NASA, S. MERLINO, C. DE MONTE, M. LOCRITANI, L. RICCI, F. MODUGNO, S. BRONCO – “Cruising Towards Sustainability: Unraveling the Fate of Biodegradable Plastics in Real Marine Environments”
P51. S.PIZZIMENTI, G. CAROTI, E. PULIDORI, L. BERNAZZANI, A. F. BONATTI, C. DEMARIA, G. VAN. ASSCHE, F. MARTINI, M. GEPPI, C. DUCE, I. BONADUCE – “Exploring curing kinetic, thermodynamic and molecular features of industrial oil paint formulations”
P52. M. PORCO, D. CIRRI, P. PAOLI, C. GABBIANI, A. PRATESI – “Oxaliplatin-based Pt(IV) complexes functionalised with monohaloacetate ligands as potential anticancer prodrugs”
P53. S. REALE, S. MICIC, T. BRUDERER, M. RIPSZAM, R. WEBER, T. LOMONACO, A. MOELLER, F. DI FRANCESCO – “Exploring Trikafta Therapy Effects on Exhaled Breath Molecules by Comprehensive GCxGC-Q-TOF”
P54. D. ROCCHI, F. NERLI, M. TADDEI – “Synthesis of multicomponent fluorinated MOFs as CO2 adsorbents”
P55. C. ROSATI, D. ARMANI, O. PICCOLO, A. PETRI – “Use of Alcohol Dehydrogenases as efficient biocatalysts for the enantioselective reduction of prochiral ketones”
P56. S. ROTUNDO, A. GIOVANELLI, F. NARDELLI, E. CARIGNANI, F. MARTINI, A. PUCCI, M. GEPPI – “Structure, dynamics and water status in a polyketone-based anion exchange membrane for electrochemical applications: a solid state NMR study”
P57. P. SARACENO, S. SARDAR, R. CAFERRI, F.V.A. CAMARGO, L. DALL’OSTO, C. D’ANDREA, R. BASSI, L. CUPELLINI, G. CERULLO, B. MENNUCCI – “First-principles simulations of CP29 unveil the effect of mutations on light harvesting”
P58. E. SCAIELLA, E. GUAZZELLI, M. LESSI, F. BELLINA, A. CESARI, D. PUPPI, S. BRACCINI, A. BATTISTI, M. SANTI, E. MARTINELLI – “Thermoresponsive unimer micelles of amphiphilic fluorinated copolymers for encapsulation of hydrophobic drugs”
P59. L. SEMBRANTI, F. VIVALDI, F. DI FRANCESCO – “Electrochemical biosensor for the quantification of Urea in dialysate and blood”
P60. K. SHUMIKHIN, S. PIZZIMENTI, K. J. VAN DEN BERG, I. BONADUCE, C. DUCE – “Evaluating the impact of atomic oxygen surface cleaning on oil paint”
P61. S. VOLANTE, D. LICURSI, F.M. VIVALDI, N. DI FIDIO, S. FULIGNATI, F. DI FRANCESCO, A.M. RASPOLLI GALLETTI, C. ANTONETTI – “Sustainable energy storage: hazelnut shell-biochar as electrode material for supercapacitors”
P62. A. VOLPE, C. PELOSI, G. CIANCALEONI, L. BERNAZZANI – “Preparation, physicochemical characterization and applications of a Cobalt-based Deep Eutectic Solvent”
P63. R. ZANOBINI, C. DU BOULLAY, G. CAROTI, C. DUCE, L. DE VIGUERIE, I. BONADUCE – “Investigating the Behavior of Azurite in Different Paint Systems”
P64. C. ZAPPELLI, A. BOCCUTO, M. BORTOLUZZI, L. MENICHETTI, F. MARCHETTI – “Synthesis and characterization of tungsten citrate complexes as potential contrast agents in SPCCT”

CFF 2024
Chemistry For the Future International Conference - 3|5 July, 2024, Pisa   cff24unipi@gmail.com
Organized By Doctoral School in Chemistry and Material Science & Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
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