07 | 09 July , 2025 - DCCI|UNIPI

CFF 2024 - International Conference
3|5 July, 2024, 2023 - DcciUnipi - Pisa

Organized by
Università di Pisa
Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Doctoral School in Chemistry and Material Science

CFF is a yearly international conference, which has reached its 8th edition, on the frontiers of Chemical Research. The idea of CFF is to convey every year several outstanding scientists from different sectors of chemistry. Every edition of CFF is organized by the 2nd year PhD students of the Doctoral School in Chemistry and Materials Science (DSCM) of the University of Pisa. CFF 2024 will host:
• 7 outstanding Plenary Lectures held by scientists from all over the world
• 18 keynote lectures, held by 3rd year PhD students
• short oral communications presented by younger researchers
• poster sessions presented by PhD students of the 1st and 2nd year, undergraduates, etc.
• social events and network: coffee breaks, happy hour, social dinner… You will a have the possibility to socialize and create a network in an international environment.

Plenary Lecturers
ANTONI RIERA, Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcellona, Spain
"Synthesis of biologically active compounds. From chiral amines to protein degraders"
DANIELLE LAURENCIN, Institute Charles Gerhardt Montpellier, France
"From isotopic labeling to high-resolution NMR analyses of biomaterials: why focus on oxygen"
FERNANDO PINA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Caparica, Portugal
"The Triumph of the Blue in Nature and in Anthropocene"
FRANCESCO PICCHIONI, University of Groningen, Netherlands
"Sustainability and polymers: a 3-D perspective"
INGO KROSSING, University of Freiburg, Germany
"Adventures with Weakly Coordinating Anions: Exploring the Limits of Reactive Cation Chemistry"
STELLA STOPKOWICZ, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
"Understanding the electronic structure of atoms and molecules in strong magnetic fields and other extreme conditions"
VALENTINA COLOMBO, Università di Milano, Italy
"In Situ Insights into adsorption and catalysis in Metal-organic Frameworks"

Poster Contest
The evaluation of the posters by the local commission will be held during the poster sessions of the first day for odd numbers of posters (the 3rd of July) and the second day for even numbers of posters (the 4th of July). The three best posters will be awarded with a prize, kindly offered by Società Chimica Italiana Sezione Toscana.

The poster prizes of CFF2024 have been awarded to:
P19. C. CAMPINOTI, F. SARDELLI, M. PINESCHI, F. DI FRANCESCO, F. BELLINA, M. LESSI, F. M. VIVALDI, A. DEL VECCHIO “Electro-oxidative nitroso-Diels-Alder reaction for the regioselective functionalization of dihydropyridines
P34. A. GHELARDI, E. CARIGNANI, M. GEPPI “Comparison of dynamics and structure of polymorphs by solid-state NMR: the case of Leflunomide
P46. F. NERLI, V. GUIDOTTO, V. CROCELLÀ, F. NARDELLI, L. CALUCCI, M. LESSI, M. TADDEI “Tuning of the CO2 adsorption mechanism in flexible F4_MIL-140A(Ce) by ligand engineering

CFF 2025
Chemistry For the Future International Conference - 7|9 July, 2025, Pisa - cff25@dcci.unipi.it
Organized By Doctoral School in Chemistry and Material Science & Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
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