07 | 09 July , 2025 - DCCI|UNIPI

CFF 2017 - International Conference
July 5-7, 2017 - DcciUnipi - Pisa

Organized by
Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Doctoral School in Chemistry and Material Science

With the contribution of
Società Chimica Italiana - Sezione Toscana

Chemistry for the Future is a yearly international conference on the frontiers of Chemical Research. It is organized by the Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche e dei Materiali (DSCM) and the International Office of the Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale (DCCI). CfF2017 will host Plenary Lectures delivered by outstanding scientists from all over the world. Keynote lectures will be delivered by III year PhD students, enrolled in DSCM and by other young members of the DCCI. Oral contributions on the forefront of chemical research will be welcome. Participation is free of charge to all registered people (max. 70).

Plenary Lecturers  

Walter Baratta, University of Udine (IT)
Ruthenium and Osmium Complexes for Transfer Hydrogenation, Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation reactions

Laurent Bouteiller, University Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris (FR)
Supramolecular Polymers as Tunable and Responsive Platforms for Catalysis

Cristiana Di Valentin, University of Milano-Bicocca (IT)
Quantum Chemical Simulation of Nanostructured Materials: 2D Sheets and 0D Nanoparticles

Steffen Lüdeke, University of Freiburg (DE)
Quantitative Analysis of Chiroptical Spectra

Josef Michl, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic - Prague (CZ)
Arrays of Molecular Rotors

Konstantinos Mitsakakis, Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft - Freiburg (DE)
How a CD-Shaped Platform Can Diagnose Infectious Diseases

Nasri Nesnas, Florida Institute of Technology (USA)
The Power of Small Molecules to Explain: How We See and How We Think

Marie Paule Pileni, University Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris (FR)
Self Assemblies of Nanocrystals: Specific Properties 

Keynote lectures
Gaetano Angelici
From Structure to Function

Claudia Antonetti
Sustainable Exploitation of Renewable Resources

Lorenzo Biancalana
New Ruthenium Arene Compounds Designed as Potential Anticancer Drugs

Gianluca Ciancaleoni
Characterization of Halogen Bonded Adducts in Solution: a Combined NMR/DFT Approach

Grazia Iannucci
Flow Synthesis of Cyclobutanones Via [2 + 2] Cycloaddition of Keteneiminium Salts and Ethylene Gas

Marco Lessi
Highly Selective Arylation Protocols to Prepare Bioactive and Fluorescent Imidazole-Based Compounds

Filippo Lipparini
Polarizable Multiscale Modeling: New Perspectives and New Challenges

Anna Lluveras Tenorio
Development of Procedures to Investigate Molecular Degradation Phenomena of Oil Paintings by Mass Spectrometry Techniques

Sibilla Orsini
Degraded Proteins in Paint, Archaeological and Paleontological Samples

Francesco Pineider
Spotting Magnetic Molecules with Plasmon-Enhanced Magneto-Optics

Oral Presentations
Lorenzo Arrico (DCCI, Pisa)
Tb(III) Based Circularly Polarized Luminescence as a Lactate Reporter

Giovanni Barcaro (CNR-IPCF, Pisa)
Computational Protocols to Investigate Nucleation and Growth at Hybrid Systems Interfaces

Denise Biagini (DCCI, Pisa)
NO MATTER - NOvel MArkers of paTent ductus arTEriosus Response to drugs
Luca Giannotti (DCCI, Pisa)
New Synthesis of Vilazodone

Federica Guarra (DCCI, Pisa)
Metal N-heterocyclic Carbenes (NHCs) as Antitumor Drugs: Synthesis and Biological Activity Tests
Sandro Jurinovich (DCCI, Pisa)
Simulation of Electronic Circular Dichroism of Nucleic Acids: from Structure to Spectra

Jacopo La Nasa (DCCI, Pisa)
Lipids in Art and Archeology: Use of HPLC-MS Analysis for the Characterization of Plant Oils and Animal Fats

Tiziano Marzo (DCCI, Pisa)
First-in-Class vs Fished out Anticancer Complexes: a Reappraisal of the Overlooked Potential Anticancer Properties

Meilani Wibowo (DCCI, Pisa)
Elucidation of the Singlet Fission Mechanism: A Theoretical Insight

Photo Gallery


CFF 2025
Chemistry For the Future International Conference - 7|9 July, 2025, Pisa - cff25@dcci.unipi.it
Organized By Doctoral School in Chemistry and Material Science & Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
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